It’s a physics day! After our dashing addition of dashing, we realized our camera feels far too rigid moving in lock-step with the player. To do so, we start with a simple implementation that lags behind the player motion, and catches up based on how far away it gets from the player character.
We also spend quite a while talking about how completely rad space is. You know it’s true.
- The most basic version of a non-static camera is to model a spring is to think of it as a spring attached to the player:
- PID (proportional–integral–derivative) controllers are a common way to model this spring-y corrective motion, but without oscillating past the target value in unexpected ways
- The Perseverance Rover landed on Mars! Check out the amazing and super crisp video of the rover landing on the surface
- The Apollo program was equally impressive in managing to get a lander on the moon, as shown here
- Just to make the political opinions of this channel clear, the Moon Landing was not faked…we left a bunch of stuff up there that is pretty easily visible.