We’re back ✨ After a brief February hiatus, it’s time to talk game design!
To start, we walk through the new, experimental stack allocator and our future of memory management. We both agree that eliminating allocations is gonna be the key to managing performance while contending with the Javascript garbage collector. We also spent some time thinking about how to simplify our game systems by leaning more on our grid-based map for optimized querying.
Then we dive into an exploration of possible weapon, movement and vehicle types for our game. There’s an utter wealth of options and combinations available to us, and we’re excited to try out a bunch of different mechanics in the coming streams.
- Yakuza 0 (and the entire series) offers a deep and complex commentary on toxic masculinity, and it provokes some really interesting critique. Check out Polygon’s take on some of the complex issues: https://www.polygon.com/2020/8/25/21399785/yakuza-toxic-masculinity-femininity-gender-analysis
- Jeff worked out our camera rotation issue in the rendertoy! We just had to use the glmatrix
function to get around gimbal lock. https://glmatrix.net/docs/module-mat4.html#.targetTo - While Dom was on break, Jeff worked through the “Ray Tracings in One Weekend” code exercise https://raytracing.github.io/books/RayTracingInOneWeekend.html - give him kudos here! https://github.com/jeffomatic/rt
- Safari’s “Experimental Features” menu holds a huge variety of future technologies in development, like WebGPU and HTTP/3 (and WebGL 2)