We plug our shiny new quadtree code into our collision system, only to run into an infinite recursion bug. Boy do I hate those!
- Hades is the game Dom and I both playing right now. It’s great! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hades_(video_game)
- Coinbase, a company of dubious social value, has adopted the dubious policy of no politics in the workplace: https://gizmodo.com/silicon-valley-is-fighting-a-losing-war-against-politic-1845239358
- The “pimpl” design pattern, a C++ technique for hiding implementation details: https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/language/pimpl
- We spent a lot of time noodling with our VSCode config trying to get breakpoint debugging working. If you run into issues with the peculiar combination of VSCode, TypeScript, and Jest, you might want to read this: https://github.com/kulshekhar/ts-jest/issues/1283#issuecomment-572412196